Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The picking of books

The picking of books is a difficult matter,
it isn't just one of your holiday games...

(apologies to T.S. Elliott for riffing in his poetry)

Thanks to Beth for sending me an updated list of who will be picking a book each month for the next several meetings; if your name is on there this gives you a chance to think what book you want to pick. For anyone interested in joining the group, we take it in turns to select books to discuss, with regulars getting a month each to pick out a book. The criteria is pretty flexible - we take in traditional SF, modern and classic, horror, fantasy, graphic novels and 'slipstream'/speculative fiction works which may not be considered SF&F by many but do contain some SF elements (such as some of Margaret Atwood's novels, for example). The main aspect really required in a choice is that it contains elements that will generate some discussion.

May – Greg

June – Thomas

July – Jake

August – Suzy

Sept – Chris

Oct – Jer

Nov – Joe

Dec – Beth

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Blogger jake king said...

Hey Joe,

I'm down as July on the list, but it's June I'm doing it isn't it? Jyst to avoid a future mix up,


5:41 pm  

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